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  • 英式英标[snæp]
  • 美式音标[snæp]

vt. 突然折断,拉断;猛咬;啪地关上

vi. 咬;厉声说;咯嗒一声关上

n. 猛咬;劈啪声;突然折断

adj. 突然的


snap 咔嚓声,断裂声,断开,咬,啮合,拍照

来自荷兰语或低地德语 snappen,咬,抓住,来自 West-Germanic*snu-,鼻子发出的呼哧声,用 力抓或咬时的喘气声,词源同 snack,snatch.引申诸相关词义。


snap: see snack
snap (n.)
late 15c., "quick, sudden bite or cut," from Dutch or Low German snappen "to snap," probably related to Middle Low German or Middle Dutch snavel "bill, beak," from West Germanic *snu-, an imitative root forming words having to do with the nose (see snout).

As an adjective from 1790. Commonly used to indicate instantaneous action, as in snap judgment (1841). Sense of "quick movement" is first recorded 1630s; that of "something easily done" is 1877. Meaning "brief or sudden spell" of weather (usually cold) is from 1740. Meaning "catch or fastener that closes with a snapping sound" is from 1815. The card game name is attested from 1881, from a call used in the game. Meaning "a snap-shot" is from 1894. U.S. football sense is from 1912, earlier snap-back (1880), which also was a name for the center position. Snap, Crackle and Pop, cartoon characters associated with Kellogg breakfast cereal Rice Krispies, are from 1940.
snap (v.)
1520s, of animals, "to make a quick bite," from snap (n.). Meaning "to break suddenly or sharply" is first recorded c. 1600; the mental sense is from 1970s. Meaning "come into place with a snap" is from 1793. Meaning "take a photograph" is from 1890. U.S. football sense first recorded 1887. Related: Snapped; snapping. To snap the fingers is from 1670s. Phrase snap out of it recorded by 1907. Snapping turtle is attested from 1784. Snap-brim (adj.) in reference to a type of hat is from 1928.


1. 拟声词,拍照的声音“喀喀喀喀”。2. snapshot => snap.3. 照相(snapshot)这个单词就模拟了拍照的声音“喀喀喀喀”


1. Then something seemed to snap in me. I couldn't endure any more.
2. Often a patient cannot snap out of their negativity that easily.
3. I could obtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose.
4. I think this is too important for a snap decision.
5. I'm sorry, Casey, I didn't mean to snap at you like that.

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