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safeguard station是什么意思



1)safeguard station,救生台2)lifesaving radio,救生电台3)broadcasting station equipped on the plane for saving,救生机载台4)platform for rescue chamber,救生钟平台5)survival craft station,救生艇电台6)rocket station,救生火箭发射台


    Because there are only antenna and earphone interfaces in lifesaving radio and the kind of acquirable data is little,generally,it is very difficult to test the capabilities of lifesaving radio.


    The algorithm of two-antennas direction finding based on time difference to broadcasting station equipped on the plane for saving is firstly introduced,and the connection between time difference and phase difference is established,then the method of attaining the phase difference from the system flat is analyzed.

    首先介绍了在救生机载台中双天线时差测向原理,建立了时差与相差之间的关系,然后从系统平台出发,分析了提取相差的方法,同时针对运算误差及 DSP 资源占用的问题,设计了合理的减小误差的方案,并给出了仿真结果。

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