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Visitor Location Register(VLR)是什么意思



1)Visitor Location Register(VLR),来访位置登记器2)client,来访者3)Father's Visit,《父亲来访》4)visitor,来访者5)passive clients,被动来访者6)psychology clinic visitors,心理咨询来访者


    Objective:Examine and Compare the professional ethical attitudes and beliefs for counseling and psychotherapy between counselors/psychotherapists and clients who receive professional services in the field.


    Emerging from a broad theoretical base and enormous empirical researches and focusing on client strengths,integrative approaches cover multifold.


    The interpersonal relationship between consultants and clients is very important in psychological consultation.

    在心理咨询过程中 ,咨询者与来访者之间的关系是非常重要的。

    Empathy is a continuous process to enter into the heart of the visitor.


    By probing into the cultural background and the basic principles and the practice of visitor-(oriented) therapy, the article analyzes its conflicts and adaptations with the psychology of the Chinese in the course of psychological consulting.


    The article analyzes and discusses the theoretical basis and the origin of practice of the visitor-oriented Theropy and points out the close relationship between the "Value Free" and the Visitor-oriented Therapy s view of humanity, theory of personality and condition of treatment.


    In the practice of psychological counseling,there are not only active clients but also passive clients.


    Psychological status among psychology clinic visitors in mental hospital;


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