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1)cathedral,abbey,大教堂2)three religions,三大教派3)TV education,电大教育4)TVU education,电大教育5)teaching of TV universities,电大教学6)Great Teacher,“大”教师


    About the Important Role That TV Education plays in the Great Western Opening up Strategy;


    TV education demonstrates the tenet of "Person First" of a city, realizes the pursuit of sharing high-quality education resource among citizens, and plays as a lever in improving social productivity ,serving current social economic development as well as standardizing adult education market, and filling a gap for basic education.


    TVU education on sustainable development strategy;


    It is a social prablem worth discussing how to develop TV education,how to give full play to TVU s strength and how to take mutually complcmentary advantage of TVU education resources so as to foster a great number of talent students for the society,especially with TVU combincd with other forms of education.

    电大教育如何发展 ,尤其是电大教育和其他教育形式合并后 ,如何更好地发挥电大教育的优势 ,充分利用电大的教育资源优势互补继续为社会培养大批优秀人才 ,是一个很值得探讨的社会课题。

    Elementary analysis of the application of situational simulated teaching methodology in the teaching of TV universities;


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