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second-order nonlinearity是什么意思



1)second-order nonlinearity,二次非线性2)quadratic nonlinearty,二次非线性度3)quadratic nonlinear coupling,二次非线性耦合4)nonlinear relationship,二次非线性关系5)The coupled schrodinger equations with a quadratic nonlinearity,具有二次非线性项的耦合薛定谔方程组6)Secondary,二次


    To resist quadratic approach, the quadratic bent functions, 2 nd order Walsh spectrum and quadratic nonlinearty are presented.

    在密码学中 ,为抵抗二次逼近引入了二次bent函数、二阶Walsh谱与二次非线性度的概念 ,并得到了n元布尔函数的二次非线性度的最大值为 2 n -1-2 n/ 2 -1。

    Theoretical models and positive researches indicate that there exists a nonlinear relationship between corruption and FDI,and corruption do not definitely prevent FDI except in certain stage.

    理论模型和实证研究表明,腐败和FDI之间存在二次非线性关系,腐败并不一定会阻止FDI的流入,仅仅在某一阶段会产生这种关系;而在另一阶段,腐败和FD I之间确实存在着负相关的关系。

    Study on Secondary Seismic Acquisition in Southern Steep Zone in Biyang Depression;


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