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deformation flowage是什么意思



1)deformation flowage,形变流动2)flow deformation,流动变形3)mobile geodetic deformation,流动形变4)flow deformation ability,流动变形能力5)types ofdeform ation and flow,变形流动型式6)Differential flow deformation,差异流动变形


    Impact of earthquake intensity on flow deformation of the Upper San Fernando Dam;

    地震强度对Upper San Fernando土坝流动变形的影响

    With argi- Jlaceous oomposition in it, the flow deformation of mylonite is closely related to its moisture content.


    The relationship betw een the types ofdeform ation and flow , and the optim ization ofsupport is analyzed in particular.

    在总结前人工作的基础上, 通过理论分析, 提出软岩定义及软岩分类的新观点, 着重分析软岩变形流动型式与软岩支护优化之间的关系, 指出软岩支护应与其变形流动型式相适应, 不能凡软岩都要充分释放变形能, 都要采用让压支护。

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