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Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)是什么意思

中文翻译地球辐射收支试验 ERBEE


1)Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE),地球辐射收支试验 ERBEE2)Earth Radiation Budget Experiment,地球辐射收支试验3)earth radiation budget,地球辐射收支4)Earth radiation budget,地球辐射收支;地球辐射平衡 ERB5)Earth('s) radiation balance,地球辐射平衡;地球辐射收支 ESRB6)Earth('s) radiation balance,地球辐射平衡; 地球辐射收支


    ERM nonscanner is used to stare the earth and measures the earth radiation budget from the low orbit satellite and its field of view covers with the edge of the earth.


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