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The elements of's regionand是什么意思



1)The elements of's regionand,S区元素2)SⅠ,SⅠ区3)SⅡ,SⅡ区4)S antigen,S区5)S block compound,S区化合物6)HBV PreS gene,HBV前S区基因


    Objective To observe regional activation changes of human primary(SⅠ) and secondary(SⅡ) somatosensory corticesinduced by electrical stimulation of different intensity in fMRI and to discuss the effect of these areas in pain modulation.

    目的利用功能磁共振成像技术(fMR I)观察主要躯体感觉区(SⅠ区)和第二躯体感觉区(SⅡ区)在不同强度电刺激时的激活反应,探讨SⅠ区和SⅡ区对于痛觉调控的作用。

    A Functional MRI Study on Human Primary(SⅠ) and Secondary(SⅡ) Somatosensory Cortices Activation Induced by Electrical Stimulation of Different Intensity;


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