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deformed nuclei是什么意思



1)deformed nuclei,变形核2)shear nucleation,切变形核3)transformation nucleation,相变形核4)even-even deformed nuclei,偶偶变形核5)Nucleation rate,相变形核率6)well-deformed actinide nuclei,锕系变形核


    The microscopic mechanism of the variation with rotational frequency of moments of inertia and their odd-even differences for well-deformed actinide nuclei are analyzed by using the particle-number conserving (PNC) method for treating nuclear pairing interaction.

    用处理对力的粒子数守恒方法分析了锕系变形核转动惯量及其奇偶差随角频率ω变化的微观机制 。

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