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flux creep是什么意思



1)flux creep,磁通量蠕变2)flux creep,磁通蠕动3)magnetic creeping,磁蠕变4)change of flux,磁通量改变5)alternating flux,交变磁通量6)flux jump,磁通量跃变


    Comparative studies on dynamic behavior of superconducting levitation system with consideration of flux creep;


    Based on Anderson's flux creep model, the counter direction hopping effect of the flux line is taken into consideration and a new general expression of irreversibility line (IL) is obtained.

    基于 Anderson磁通蠕动模型 ,考虑磁通的反跳对磁通蠕动速度的影响 ,得出了超导体中不可逆线的一般表达式。

    Numerical calculation based on flux creep model with logarithmic barrier U showed that the dependence of ac losses Q on the amplitude of ac field Bac is still governed by Q∝Bmac, predicted by the Bean model.


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