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power method是什么意思



1)power method,[乘]幂法2)power algorithm,乘幂法3)sheng(乘),乘4)"cheng",“乘”5)multiply,乘6)multiplication,乘7)ride on,乘8)times(prep.),multiply(v.),multiplication(n.),乘9)yana,乘10)Vehicle,乘


    The Errors in the Explanations of the Word Sheng(乘) in Guangya Shuzheng(广雅疏证) and Fangyan Jianshu(方言笺疏);


    By analyzing the grapheme and summing up the meaning of the Chinese character"cheng",the authors point out that the original meaning of the character should be"ascend",which corrects its paraphrase in the Chiˉnese Dictionary.

    通过对“乘”字的字形简析和义项归纳 ,“乘”的本义当为“登、升” ,纠正了《汉语大字典》、《汉语大词典》“乘”条的释义。

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