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semi-conjugate axis是什么意思



1)semi-conjugate axis,半共轭轴2)conjugate radius,共轭半径3)Simi-conjugate,半共轭4)conjugate semigroups,共轭半群5)conjugate axis,共轭轴6)topological semi-conjugate,拓扑半共轭


    In this paper,a kind of method of calculating the longest and short radius on an ellipse with a pairs of conjugate radius are introduce


    The natures of projection of a group of conjugate radiuses of the circle and sphere on other group are studied.


    The Estimation on the Number of Periodic Tracks of Topological Simi-conjugate Mappings;


    On the basis of the graphical solution, the article analyses the geometrical relations and the related data, derives theoretically and puts forward a method to draw directly the conjugate axis.

    以图解为基础 ,分析空间几何关系 ,进行理论推导和数据分析 ,提出一种垂直圆正等轴测图的画法直接绘制共轭轴法 ,该方法便于掌握 ,误差小 ,作图简

    In this paper,we construct a class of model-shift map τ1,and prove that the model-shift map is topological semi-conjugate with the usual shift map σ in symbol space,thus showing that it is Li-Yorke chaotic and non-Devaney Devaney chaotic,and also it describe the Sierpinski pad.


    According to the iterative orbit the shelf-map of the same topologically conjugate class topological properties, we discuss a class of shelf-map on compact spaces and it is proved that if there exits a topological semi-conjugate which is from compact spaces to symbolic spaces, then it has a minimal sub-system which displays Wiggins chaos and Martelli chaos.


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